dimanche 11 mars 2012

Get some mac apps for free

Sometimes, you just want a program, but don't want to spend a fortune on it (or don't have the money, especially if you're a student). Then, here's the solution:

Go to a torrent site (e.g. torrentz.com) and type:
   Serial box #month #year (#month being the current month: e.g. 3, #year being the current year: e.g. 2012)
and download the torrent with a torrent client such as Transmission or μTorrent
Then you just follow the links (demo and serials) and the instructions

Be careful, sometimes it doesn't work anymore if you update the program you've done this for...

I don't push anyone to cheat their way through a program, but sometimes it is pretty useful to know it's out there...

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